Thank you, Lou!

Western ACDA would like to acknowledge and thank past president Lou De La Rosa for his 6 years of leadership on the WACDA Board!
It was Lou’s leadership and strength that carried us through a time of uncertainty as we navigated and traveled to the other side of a global pandemic. His leadership kept us focused on learning even as we could not gather together. His organization of the Western board online as he worked to prepare a conference in 2022, not knowing what that would look like, was astounding!
Lou kept us informed and connected, and through his leadership provided resources we could all use as online choral musicians. The 2022 Long Beach Conference “Lift Every Voice and Sing” brought us back together, acknowledging the many life experiences of 2020 and beyond, as we joined in a joyful choral reunion. His leadership has truly made WACDA a stronger and more vibrant organization.
Although his time of service on the board has ended, there is no doubt that you will see him out there, serving students and colleagues as he has done so well for many years, with a heart of gold and a laugh that can fill the room!
Thank you, Lou, for your leadership!